Monday, July 11, 2011

Progressive Station Interrupts Programming

The Bay Area station that broadcasts progressive talk doesn't like their own format. Twice this morning they cut away from a discussion for a Ryan Seacrest commercial. What I mean is they dumped the show while the host was talking to advertise a music festival in Vegas. Really?

Both times were at 16 minutes after the hour. The commercial break is at 20 after the hour. Why not do it then? Obviously to get an extra commercial in. After all, the listener doesn't really care what's being said on the air. They are only interested in what Simon's whipping boy has to say. Right?

To be clear: The host didn't stop talking. It's a syndicated show out of LA. Stephanie Miller didn't know she wasn't on the air in SF. But then again this is the same station that used to broadcast traffic reports while she was talking. And infamously cut her show to one hour so the station manager could have his own show. That lasted a month until there were enough complaints.

If I had a laptop I would never listen to this amateurishly run station. I would go on iTunes, click on radio & find the Seattle station that broadcasts her at the same time. I've never heard that station pull this kind of stunt.

Owning a radio station means you have a responsibility to the community. We know the right wing stations don't practice that, but I expect a progressive station to. Otherwise you are no better than the now defunct News of the World. Technology isn't just new & better iPads or computers or faster browsers or hard drives. It's also radio, TV & newspapers practicing their craft for the most people. It can be used for good or bad. Bad being what Murdoch did in hacking e-mails & destroying politics in this country.

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