Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Blogger To Be Renamed

This story is all over the internet. Apparently Google has decided that they just can't have products that don't have Google as part of the name. Thus Picasa will be renamed Google Photos. Wow. That is so generic. Same with the possible renaming of Blogger to Google Blogs.

On one hand, Blogger can be a problem. Especially on search engines that might think you're looking for someone who blogs rather than a specific site. On the other hand Blogger is one of the ten most used websites in the world, so I'm guessing it actually shows up pretty high on search sites.

This supposedly has to do with Google+. Oh goody, a social site run by Sergey & Larry. Remind me again how popular Buzz & Wave are? Oh that's right, not so much. Granted, I deleted my Facebook account because I consider it a security risk, especially since Mark Zuckerberg doesn't seem to have any problem releasing my private info to anyone. Also Google is getting rid of private profiles.

The one difference is You Tube won't be rebranded. That would be insane. Besides there was already a Google Video site that was closed because no one used it. Why use that when the very famous You Tube is available from the same company?

I am already seeing +1 on a lot of search results within Google, so I assume this is just the beginning of this program. Whether anyone ends up using it is another matter. Again Buzz was supposed to compete with facebook, but because of it's own privacy problem people just so "Uh, I don't think so", & so it died.

Renaming Blogger? It is not as famous or as mentioned as Word Press & yet it's many times bigger. One wonders if Google is worried about a perception that has little to do with reality.

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