Saturday, November 26, 2011

Are Newspaper Aps the Future?

I have a problem. My newspaper carrier didn't want to work this week. So I didn't get a paper on Thanksgiving & today's was late. I work on Saturdays & leave the house at 6:30 AM. I can't call that the paper is late because they don't answer that early on the weekend.

I'm thinking that sometime in the future the business is going to decide that either you subscribe to a newspaper app, meaning no delivery, no problem. Just turn on your iPad or Kindle Fire or whatever.

This is a bad idea. Not everyone has a tablet or wants one. I don't. Why should I? I have a full size desktop. The tech industry is creating a tech ghetto. Not wealthy enough to have an iPad-too bad, no newspaper for you. This is backwards thinking. those of us in the working class have more need for news than the 1%

What is happening however, is that its harder to find people who want to deliver the paper. Most of my carriers the last few years have been anything but reliable. You probably have the same experience. But I am sure this has caused some in the industry to wonder if they should shut down publishing & just go online. Except that online ad rates are lower. The future should be enlightening in how this works out, & how informed the public will be.

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