Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ideologues Attempt To Falsify Wikipedia's Paul Revere Page

One of the failings of Wikipedia (a site I love BTW) is the ability of anyone to edit. That's the best thing about it, but also the worst. Why? Because some people will vandalize the site to further their agenda. This is reprehensible.

It happens all the time. The current obscenity is right winger/Palinistas attempting to rewrite history to show that Sarah Palin was correct in what she said about Paul Revere. She wasn't. Nobody has ever claimed that Revere was going to warn the british that the colonists wouldn't let them take their guns. This is nonsense going back to the right wing claim that Obama was going to get rid of the 2nd amendment.

We all learned in grammar school that Revere was warning colonists of the advancing british. But because Wikipedia does allow anyone to re-edit, people who put ideology above truth or honor have tried to falsify history. Of course the edits don't last. but it does show that these people will resort to modifying a site purporting to be factual.

Technology helps broadcast the truth, but it also allows lies to get out there. We must always be vigilant.

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