Monday, March 26, 2012

Google Play: What's The Point?

Today I noticed something new on my home page. My page is iGoogle. At the top where the different Google services are listed was Google Play.

So I decided to check it out. The first thing recommended was, what else, Angry Birds. But you can't play it on your computer. It's an Android app, for a device. Well, I don't have any Android devices, so no can do.

Movies. Would someone please tell me why we need yet another website that rents movies for 4 bucks a piece? I can do that on iTunes, Blockbuster, Hulu, YouTube, & on & on. This is getting silly.

Music. Yes, because there aren't enough sites that sell songs for $1.29. Again, iTunes, Amazon, & a bunch of lesser sites. Why would I use Google Play over the two biggest?

Books. Same thing. Even if it's e-books or audiobooks, why use Google over Amazon or Audible? It just doesn't make any sense.

This is Google trying to be the one stop shop. The WalMart of the internet. Except that Amazon holds that position. I'm sure that Larry & Sergey want to control the world, but this will be another idea like Wave that will not pan out.

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