Sunday, February 19, 2012

Proview Sold iMac Copy Until 2009

Proview, the Chinese company suing Apple over the iPad name used to sell an all-in-one computer . On tech site "The Verge", there is an ad from the company about their "IPAD" computer. It looks remarkably like the original G3 iMac. You know, the computer that looked like a little TV, in multiple colors.

They claim that they spent $30 million on R/D before releasing this in 2000. Yeah right. The iMac came out in 1998. Are you telling me they didn't just rip off the design from Apple?

This is disingenuous. The company failed with theirs because they only sold 20,000 in 8 years, & I never heard of the thing until recently. The difference was that the IPAD ran Linux & had a 256 MHZ processor. That's almost the same specs as the Bondi Blue iMac I had a few years ago. It had a 266 MHZ processor. Good when it came out, terrible a few years ago, because of how big websites are now. So now these clowns who ripped off Apple with a copycat iMac, want to sue Apple over the iPad. This is simply an attempt to get money they are not entitled to. The Chinese government will look at how many people work for Apple in Shenzen & other cities, & how much they make off the company & maybe this company (which is on the verge of bankruptcy) will disappear.

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