Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Yahoo! Bartz Fired By Phone

You know the boss hates you when he fires you over the phone. That's what happened to Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz. I know what you're thinking: Yahoo is still around? Kind of. Yahoo's stock price is $12.50, Google's is $522.18. Yeah, that would get you fired.

This is a company that has ceded search to Bing. It had a highly publicized story involving the sale of an Asian partner Alibaba. And advertising is an issue. Google has made a fortune that way, Yahoo-not so much. I mean, according to the New York Times yahoo gets 600 million unique visitors but can make inroads in ad revenue. That's a big problem.

Now I use Google. My home page is iGoogle, I use Gmail, this blog is written on Blogger. I have a Yahoo address, but never use it. Of course I don't use MSN either. But the point is, she was hired to improve performance & nothing changed. The deal with MS & Bing was strange, the home page is popular but no one uses the search, which means people don't trust it.

Maybe in hindsight Yahoo should have accepted the Microsoft buy out.

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