Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Will Hulu Be Dismantled?

Thanks to Frame Rate (TWIT's show about movies, TV & devices used to watch), I read an article on Fast Company about Hulu. It's mostly about the CEO & his fight's with Hulu's owners.

This maybe the first time I have read about owners of something hating the fact that it's successful. The 3 owners of Hulu are News Corp (Fox), Disney (ABC) & Comcast (NBC). The original heads of the content department that created Hulu are gone. They have been replaced by corporate shills who hate their own site because they believe it canibalizes viewership. In other words, people watch shows on Hulu, rather than on the networks, & they make more money from ads on TV than on the internet.

So they keep making things difficult, & complain about free content. This is why Hulu Plus was created: to shut up the complaining, which was mostly from News Corp. Gee what a surprise that someone working for Rupert Murdoch wouldn't want content available. After all, Murdoch has stated in public that he thinks everyone should pay to watch online.

Will Hulu survive? This is the question. Some shows that were on Hulu are now on, or being offered to Netflix. Some content is actually being offered to You Tube, which is ironic, since according to the Fast Company article, Hulu was created to keep network content off of You Tube. 

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