Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Internet Reveals Romney's Views

The last couple of days have not been kind to Mitt Romney. First we had the revelation of his views on 47% of the population. Yes, we are all lazy, entitled bums who want to live on the public dole. At least that is what he told his supporters at a fund raiser in July.

Now we find out that at this same event he decided to attack the Palestinians. He said they are not interested in peace with Israel. Doesn't matter if you believe that or not. A candidate & possible next US President cannot say that.

See this is the problem with the conservative movement. They don't understand technology. They don't realize that everyone has a smartphone now, & even if it is a private fundraiser where everyone wants you elected, it's going to be recorded & it will end up online. This is not the old days where Nixon "lost" 13 minutes of tape.

So now there are conservatives like Bill Kristol, who has never been right about anything, telling Romney to step down & make Ryan the presidential nominee. Yeah, that's not going to happen. But again, it's not that he believes this. It's that he said it not understanding that it would show up on YouTube.

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