Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mars Rover On The Web

One of the big science stories right now is the Mars rover Curiosity. This is an important mission for Nasa, but we normal people don't get a lot of info from it. Our TV is loaded with lots of nonsense. Even the Discovery Channel (which you would think would be the place to go) is instead full of gator hunters & gold seekers & shark victims. Ahhh. America. Land of the uninformed.

So what to do? Go to Nasa's website. There are videos & other media about the mission. Plus 128 separate photos taken by either Curiosity or the space orbiter above. Some are black & white, & some have been enhanced with color so one can distinguish certain objects.

This is what tech does for us. there is a Nasa channel, but I'm not sure everyone has it, or if they do, know where it is on their system. But sites like Nasa, or or even the JPL are good for our own curiosity (yeah, I know).

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