Monday, June 27, 2011

Versus Website Closed By Comcast

I have discovered that Comcast has shut down the website for their sports channel versus. This is a website I never go on, except when the Tour De France is on. That starts next week, so I decided to check it out & maybe see the TV schedule. But since I hadn't seen anything about the site I didn't know it had been shut down. Or actually there is a re-direct to

OK. This makes sense. With Comcast buying NBC, why have multiple sports sites? And the story goes that Comcast will be changing the name of the channel within a month. Because let's face it, Versus was a horrible name to begin with. Versus? Versus what? Versus ESPN? Versus the viewer? Most people believe it will become NBC Sports, or something like that.

They still need to improve the site. The articles are short & coverage of certain sports is weak. Possibly the site should only cover sports on the various NBC channels. The Sunday Formula One race had about one paragraph. Better to just go to say, ESPN or better yet Speed, which broadcasts all races.

Hockey coverage seems quite good, but again, that's because the NHL is carried on NBC & Versus, plus most teams have their local broadcast contracts with a Comcast Sports Net channel. And clearly next year the London Olympics will be covered on Versus (or NBC Sports or whatever it's called) & the website will reflect that.

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