Monday, July 9, 2012

DNS Changer Flops

After several months of horror stories, today went by without a hitch. The feds stopped protecting infected computers with re-directs, meaning supposedly thousands of computers lost access to the internet as of 12m e/t.

Well it's 7:45 ET/4:45 PT & nothing happened. Once again the media overblew something. What a surprise! This would be 2012's version of Y2K. OMG, the world will end for tech users! Well, nothing of the sort happened. As USA Today said. DNS Changer was last years malware. There's something worse out there now.

Possibly. But if you use the latest browser, with all security updates, all plug-ins up-to-date, updated & running anti-virus software & anti-malware software, & don't do dumb things like clicking on unknown attachments, you are probably going to be OK.

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