Wednesday, November 2, 2011

IE Goes Under 50%...Maybe

Ars Technica has an article claiming that Internet Explorer has gone below 50% usage worldwide. Then it starts making disclaimers. "Well it's 49.59% in combined share, but 52.63% in desktop share". What does that even mean?

Here's what's going on. Combined share includes mobile, i.e. cellphones & tablets. But they use different browsers & different OS's. For instance: in mobile the Android browser has 13.12% & Opera Mini has 18.65%. On desktops Opera has 1.56%, Android doesn't exist. IE has .16%, & Safari Mobile has 62.17%. On desktop Safari has 5.43%.

Why the difference? Safari's huge mobile percentage is because of the iPhone. On desktop's the percentage is in line with Apple's market share. Likewise Opera has always been big on cellphones, but almost no one uses it on desktops. I'm going to venture that Windows phones use Opera, which would explain the 18% market share.

So this was a non story from a supposed respected tech site. Yes, IE has gone down a lot. I use it on of all things TWITTV. Because they have been unable to fix a bug on Firefox 7 that doesn't show the play button on their podcasts. I may have to download Chrome just to watch episodes.

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